The fonts uses are Times New Roman for the headings and Arial for the body text. Here are the details if you’re wanting to take a closer look.
Site Title
- Font family: Times New Roman
- Fallback fonts: Times, Serif
- Font weight: 500
- Font size: 31.33 pixels
Main Heading
- Font family: Times New Roman
- Fallback fonts: Times, Serif
- Font weight: 400
- Font size: 24 pixels
Sub Headings
- Font family: Arial
- Fallback font: San-serif
- Font weight: 700
- Font size: 16 pixels
Body Text
- Font family: Arial
- Fallback font: San-serif
- Font weight: 400
- Font size: 13.33 pixels
If you’re wanting to change the font for your Craigslist ad, you’ll want to use the <font> HTML tag. Check out our Craigslist HTML guide for more.