Nope. Our platform ties directly into Craigslist so there is no manual process involved in posting ads. That means more reliability because you’re not trying to get around Craigslist’s rules.
Definitely! If you know you want to post the sames ads each month, we can help you to automate the process and save you a lot of time.
Because we tie directly into Craigslist, your ads will actually do even better.
Nope. The ads will actually appear under your own account to help add legitimacy to the posts.
We can help set you up with call and text tracking, so you can closely monitor the activity you get from your ads.
Sure thing! We have a sandbox account that we can walk you through in a demo so you can determine if Dealer Promoter Pro is the right fit for your company and products.
While our ad posting platform is open to anyone selling in the paid sections with enough volume, the most common clients are auto/truck dealerships, used car lots, heavy-equipment dealers, and trailer sales.